All prices are GST inclusive.
Weston Brand - A complete feed for Adult layer hens.
An adapted formulation of natural protein and energy ingredients to maximise the production of home produced fresh eggs.
Laying hens require a good balance of protein (18%), energy, minerals and vitamins to ensure good health and production of eggs of a good size and quality.
Free range Layer Pellets 25kg $37.00

Chicks choice: chick starter crumble for day old chicks through to 8 weeks of age.
Weston Brand - A Complete feed for day old chicks.
This complete feed formula is designed specifically for chicks from day old through to 8 weeks of age.
High Protein and energy levels designed to ensure strong growth rates and feather development.
Contains the essential minerals and vitamins to satisfy the requirements of this stage of a chicks life.
Medicated feed, contains a coccidistat as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis.
Feed ad lib as sole diet to chicks to eight weeks of age, and then change to Grower through to point of lay.
Note; Can also be fed to mother hen whilst she is raising her young, discard eggs if she proceeds to lay whilst still brooding
Chick Starter Crumble
25 kg $40.00;
10 kg $20.00;
2kg $ 5.50
Smaller quantities available on request.

Weston Chook Grow Pellets
Poultry Grower is a special formulation with the essential nutrients of protein, energy and minerals in readiness for a healthy productive hen.
We recommend using Chook Grow for chooks from the age of 8 weeks old through to Point of Lay (Approx. 18 to 20 weeks of age depending on breed).
Chook Grow 25 kg $38.00
Layers mash
Our layers mash is sourced from a supplier who we believe uses only quality ingredients without adding fillers. It is a complete food for your hens and has oyster grit added for extra calcium and thus better eggshells
Layers mash 25 kg $37.00
Weston Game Bird Crumble
Complete feed for game birds, pheasant, quail, and ducks.
Specially formulated feed with the all of the essential nutrients of protein, energy and minerals in readiness for healthy productive poultry of many breeds including pheasant, duck, quail, turkey and even chickens including broilers.
Game Bird crumble can be used for all poults & ducklings etc
It is also a complete diet for quail from day one through to laying. (Fine grit is required for extra calcium for layers).
Weston Peak layer is suitable for all game and waterfowl breeds from point of lay onwards.
25 kg $42.00
10kg $20.00
2kg $6.00

Fine to medium graded Oyster Shell Grit.
Why do Birds need Oyster Shell Grit???
Oyster shell contains high levels of calcium which is important to a laying birds diet to ensure good quality egg shell production and muscle development. Grit also aids in food digestion.
Birds such as Aviary birds and Poultry require grit, which when eaten, is held in the crop, in turn grinding whole grains, seeds or even kitchen scraps etc., making the digestion of their feed easier, therefore better feed conversion to help meet nutritional needs, along with the slow release of calcium into the birds system.
Oyster Shell Grit is essential for non-free ranging chooks that are unable to source their own grit. Also essential for poultry on whole grain diets. Ideal for all Aviary birds and Poultry.
Oyster Shell Grit 2kg bag $6.50
Oyster Shell Grit 20kg bag $32.00

Boredom buster poultry pecker $9.00
Please check our other pages for bedding, health and poultry equipment.
Chicken Bedding

Pine Shaving 17kg bale
Pea Straw
Barley Straw
Shavings are absorbent so will help keeps pens dry and clean
Pine shavings are biodegradable, making for easy disposal
Shavings are comfortable underfoot for animals
For year-round use
Made from quality New Zealand timber
Straw is the go-to source of chicken bedding for most chicken keepers.
It’s inexpensive, it’s absorbent, and it lasts a long time.
Straw is also readily available in most areas because it’s a by-product of the farming industry.
Straw is good choice for bedding in the chicken coop.
We also love straw bedding because it provides a thick layer of litter on the floor of the coop, helping to insulate it in the winter. Also, the chickens adore playing in it!
When it’s time to clean the coop pitch all the old bedding out and stick a whole bale of straw in the coop.
Great for composting!